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5 Important Reasons Why Social Media Optimization Is Needed

What do you mean by SMO? SMO stands for Social Media Optimization. It is the perfect alliance between search engine optimization and social media. Experts use SMO for increasing the brand or product awareness with the help of social media channels as well as communities. The use of social media sites, video sites as well as RSS feed and blogging sites are included in the process of doing SMO for driving traffic to the website and improving the organic search results of the website. With the aim of getting unique visitors to the website content, the method of the social media activity is practiced. Why SMO is required? 1. It Ensures a Strong Presence on the Web You can ensure a strong web presence for the business and establishes the internet authority of the brand with SMO. SMO introduces people to the business and also allows you to do branding, improving brand visibility and recall.     2. It Increases the Reach SMO offers the chance to get to ...

What Is A XML Sitemap- MCR Logitech

An XML sitemap is an archive that enables Google and other real web indexes to better comprehend your site while slithering it.

What is a sitemap and why is it necessary?

XML Sitemap- MCR Logitech

Sitemaps are a convention that enables the website admin for a site to advise Google and other real web indexes about URLs on a site that are accessible for creeping. Sitemaps permit web crawlers to discover the greater part of your site pages, that they may somehow or another miss when ordering. The XML sitemap enables you to indicate extra data about every URL, for example,
  • When it was last refreshed
  • How frequently the site changes
  • How essential the page is in connection to different pages on the site
Including this data inside one report helps web indexes comprehend your site and slither it all the more shrewdly. Sitemaps are an incorporation convention, where Robots.txt documents are exclusionary.

Understanding Search Engines and Sitemaps

You don't transfer your sitemap to the web crawlers. After you have transferred the sitemap to the server, you basically need to present the full URL to your sitemap. After you have presented the sitemaps to the significant web search tools. whenever they creep the site they will have a superior comprehension of how your site functions.
  • Google: You should utilize your Webmaster Tools record to tell Google the full URL to your sitemap.
  • Bing: Bing utilizes Windows Live records under the Webmaster Center area to indicate sitemaps.
  • Yahoo: You should sign into Yahoo! what's more, embed the URL in the 'Submit Site encourage field'.

Creating an XML Sitemap

XML Sitemap

The huge preferred advantage of an XML Sitemap is the consideration of metadata, enabling you to give extra data about the substance of each page.

An XML Sitemap can be made as takes after:

Step 1: Create a content record, name it "sitemap" and share it with a .xml extension.

Step 2: Next we have to tell web search tools how the sitemap is encoded, by including the accompanying bit:
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <urlset xmlns="">
3 </urlset>

Step 3: In our following stage we include all the relevant URLs. We do this privilege before the closing url set tag. Below find an example of a URL entry
1 <url>
2 <loc></loc>
3 <lastmod>2012-12-12</lastmod>
4 <changefreq>daily</changefreq>
5 <priority>1</priority>
6 </url>
  • The loc-tag is used to connection to the page. Just enter the URL between the labels.
  • lastmod presents the date the page was last changed.
  • Changefreq is, as you might have guessed, the normal change frequency of the page ((hourly, every day, week by week, month to month, yearly). Utilize "never" for archived URLs.
  • You can likewise organize certain pages through the priority-tag.
Step 4: Now that we 've made our sitemap it's a great opportunity to transfer it to our site. It ought to be added to the root directory.

While making a sitemap, there are a few things you should remember:
  • All URLs in a sitemap originate from a similar host.
  • The greatest length of a URL is 2,048 characters (which ought to be all that anyone could need).
  • A sitemap can contain a greatest of 50,000 URLs.
  • The greatest record estimate for sitemaps is 50 MB.
In the event that your sitemap is too huge, you can part it into numerous sitemaps, in which case you'll have to include a Sitemap Index file. This looks basically the same as a typical sitemap, yet a few labels are named in an unexpected way.


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