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5 Important Reasons Why Social Media Optimization Is Needed

What do you mean by SMO? SMO stands for Social Media Optimization. It is the perfect alliance between search engine optimization and social media. Experts use SMO for increasing the brand or product awareness with the help of social media channels as well as communities. The use of social media sites, video sites as well as RSS feed and blogging sites are included in the process of doing SMO for driving traffic to the website and improving the organic search results of the website. With the aim of getting unique visitors to the website content, the method of the social media activity is practiced. Why SMO is required? 1. It Ensures a Strong Presence on the Web You can ensure a strong web presence for the business and establishes the internet authority of the brand with SMO. SMO introduces people to the business and also allows you to do branding, improving brand visibility and recall.     2. It Increases the Reach SMO offers the chance to get to ...

Website Redesigning- MCRLogitech

Redesigning a website is a typical task to do. Creating a new website is easy when compared to redesigning a website. There are many pros and cons of redesigning a website. Here is glimpse on pros and cons of modifying a website.Nowadays, first impression on your audience of your business is based on your website. Hence, like any other good investment, your website is required to be redesigned from time to time. 

Pros of Redesign a web site

·       Website Design Looks Great

After your website is redesigned, it looks good and attractive. User feels good, while accessing the site. Your website is eye catching and it attracts new visitors. It looks nice but this is also a true fact that it is difficult to redesign a website than creating it. The other advantage of redesigning is that it gets fit to Visitor’s Screen Size, which is great to see.

·       Comparability with modern Browser-

For this we have to maintain latest technology while creating theme why means mostly browsers are comfortable with modern technologies and coding. So maintain good theme for website

·       Effect on Search engine Rank –

Based on Visitors attention and bounce rate your site will improve search engine rank if you site not comfortable with SEO Friendly automatically means Design and Content will be effect on SEO

·       Browsing Speed & Fast loading Images-

Suppose, you are still using flash design or any other old versions in your site then it means there will be more loading time. This irritates the visitors as loading images and flash design takes lot of time.

Cons of Redesigning a Web site-

·       Takes More Time- 

    Its take more time to write a code for each and every page for mobile view and desktop view we have to compare with each and every screen size. Suppose we missed checking screen sizes means it automatically web site not look good and loading time will take more.

·       Maintenance - 

  While maintaining a site we have a lot of problems based on client requirements like changes on content and adding extra pages and images, effects etc.

·       Budget – 

    Redesigns can be costly and time-consuming, particularly if you desire to add countless functionality. As you know that a full redesign of website might take several days and involve more testing as well as changes so it can cause expenses to add up. However, redesigning is the most effective way to resolve problems but it is expensive.


Although redesigning a website can be difficult but it is crucial to have updated one as website is truly the face of your business. So if the website is presented well, it can bring lot of extra business.


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